
Monday, 21 November 2016


London. Cold, wet, raining, overcast and its not even winter...or so I keep getting told! Hello my friends and fellow blogger's I am currently writing from my kitchen, while its 'blowing a gale' outside and my housemate makes us tea, because well what else do you have on a freezing cold movie and pyjama day, in England, other than tea!? Today is a good day :)

So for those who do not know, I moved from Melbourne, Australia to London, England 2 and a half months ago to study as a makeup artist, hair stylist and nail technician. I completed the course and struggled to find work in the industry so I turned to hospitality and found a job at a local franchise that is very 'retro diner' minus the poodle skirts and skates! I have also done some makeup assisting work which has been a lot of fun too.

While moving to the other side of the world, without my friends and family I have had to find things to occupy my time and I have rediscovered my love for music and picked up the guitar. My housemate also decided to learn an instrument and bought a violin. So we are a bit of a noisy household during the day! As I already know how to play violin I have been helping her a bit get started and she is quite the star pupil! haha
Guitar on the other hand I needed a bit of help as it is quite different to any instrument I have played before. So off I went to have a lesson and I had the time of my life! It was great just playing songs with my teacher! I learnt so much and I have a better understanding of how a guitar relates to a violin, viola and double bass! So practice practice practice! who knows maybe one day I'll be touring the world with my band! One can dream :)

As it is quite cold over here I have had to buy some warmer clothes as my ones from Melbourne didn't quite cut it. In an effort to save money I've have been in and out of the local op shop which i have learnt over here are called Charity shops! There are quite a few words I have learnt that are different to back home. Some people may frown upon my choice of shop however I have really found some good pieces for a very small price. I have picked up a nice winter coat, a cashmere top, a few angora mixes and some other warm tops. I am all for the kindness to animals however angora is rabbit fur and I did not know this until I got home :( but it is very warm so I decided to keep it.

I am off to the post office now as I have a parcel delivery to pick up! I don't remember ordering anything but I guess I will soon find out what it is!

Until next time!



  1. Hello! Nothing wrong with Op Shopping! I still have some pieces from my 20's I found there!!! Plus your money generally goes to help out those less fortunate - win/win I say!!!

    Glad you are enjoying the Guitar!

    Cheerio!!!! X

    1. yes! there certainly are some pieces i've picked up that I think I will have for a long time or at least hope I will! Yes! its going very well!
